
We have a relationship with everything in our lives. Relationship dynamics are not often discussed and less understood. Our individual perspective/reality meshes with others perspective/reality forming a relationship dance that few understand, are aware of, respect or honor.

This site is about exploring relationships of all kinds so that we can all become more consciously aware of the inner workings of relationships, be they human, animal, nature, or our place in the Universe.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Post Election Muse

Apparently, we, the people of the United States (those that voted, anyway), have decided that we want change. This allows us to create a change in the relationship that we have with each other, with our community, with the world and, most importantly with our own government. Our country has a document and it starts with, ‘We, the people...’ It is a serious document and deserves high regard and respect. It is a contract between the people of this country and the governing powers, that we, the people, elect.

Our government, our president, no matter who he/she/they are, are our public servants. They are not our big daddy, our parents or our care givers. They are elected officials, paid for by the citizens of this country to head up our country, to problem solve for us for the goodness of the whole, not to rule us.

Unfortunately, there are people in this country who still believe that things are done ‘for them,’ or ‘to them.’ What that does is give the personal power away and allows someone else (who is full of greed) to make decisions for them, creating even more national greed. In these times of change, that will no longer work to the personal best interest. We must be mature enough, to help lead ourselves, help create our new reality, created a sense of community, create a sense of caring for each other. It is the society at large that has to fix things, not our elected officials. They cannot and should not do it on their own. It is our future, our lives, and we must participate in it in every way -- it is no longer a spectator sport but requires getting involved. We really don't have the right, any longer, to benefit from our society unless we are participating in it. If we don't participate, then we are ruled.

As Barack Obama said the night of November 4th, 2008, It is going to be a steep climb and isn't going to be easy, but it can be done - Yes, we can. Yes, we will! If we participate and co-create with it and not sit on our butts and expect it to be done for us..

The citizens in this country that are still thinking about themselves, that do not have a sense of nation, of community better get on board with the rest of us. It will take all of us together to bring about this change. We, each, have to personally participate, join forces with each other and communicate with each other and our elected officials. We have to be realistic, as well. We have to do some critical thinking, think things through, ban together and create a community, a society, and a country that we can all live and create in that is for all of us, not a select few.

Times of change, such as this, offers incredible opportunity. New businesses can be created, from the clothes industry, the auto industry, the daily child care, solar, small and large opportunities abound. We know what we need as a society, as a nation, as a neighbor. There is an enormous chance to really make a difference, to really promote our country, to really help our peoples. We can produce things, make things, write things, sew things, invent new things, grow things, build things, plan things, on and on. We each have a place, but we each have to participate with passion to make it happen, to create what we want that will benefit all of us. Our strengths are in our differences, together we can create wondrous things, together we can bring new energy, new insights, new creations, new ideas and thoughts to the table. Together we can make history, just like we did on November 4th of this year. It can be done with community organizing, with community participation - it has been done.

The old ways do not grow corn any longer. We all must get involved, stand up and take our place as a hard working participant in our new and very hopeful government. If we don't, then we will end up with a government that looks very much like the one that was in power the past 8 years or longer. Do we want that? It is entirely up to us.

Prissy Hamilton


Anonymous said...

What a great article Prissy. So encouraging and filled with the hope that can create if we participate as you said. We can see the results of sitting on the sidelines, sleeping in the "Bush Years". We the people spoke and said we wanted something different. The economic situation is a great teacher that less is more. All things teach us, we learn from everything, good or bad. There is an energy one can truly feel that the old is falling away and the new is that of awareness, participation, unity and fellowship. You said it all so well. :)

Prissy H. said...

There is evidence that people are participating more, but many are hanging on to the old patterns and not allowing the expansion of new creative thoughts. It will take time, but I do think small baby steps are being taken. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.