- Prissy Hamilton © January 2011
The adult bully is all around us. You can hear and see them on TV, you can read about them in books, spot them in your own personal life and every place in between.
They are the ones with the overgrown false egos that want to control and manipulate everything and everybody. They are the ones who state that they know best. They are the ones that can tell you what you should do and how to do it and if you would only live your life like they say, you would have smooth sailing and happy, healthy times.
They feed off the fear of others with a frenzy and love it when they have others that they can manipulate and control. It energizes them for they can briefly con themselves into thinking they are worthy.
Bully's come in all sizes, all shapes and all genders. They love to walk into situations, overwhelm everyone with their inflated egos and start strutting like Banty roosters. They feel it necessary to take over. They can be charming on one hand and very manipulative and judgmental on the other. They can lead you down a path of self destruction if you allow them to and they can excite crowds like few others.
The bully has no true self esteem of their own. They think very little of themselves and therefore try to convince themselves that they really are knowledgeable and have something to offer by scaring other folks into listening to and believing in them. Then they can say, 'Oh, I have a following so I must be right.'
They depend on something outside themselves to prove themselves wrong about what they really feel about themselves. What they really feel is that they aren't worth much, and they think they don't have an effect on the world around them.
Seems to me that the bully doesn't bother to even contemplate for one second who they really are. They are running scared of finding out, too. Sure they act secure within themselves, but it is a false front. Truth were to be known, they are fragile. They have no honest, solid foundation about themselves. This allows them to switch on a dime and come at others from a different direction. They use distraction and feed into the cavities of others filling it with false judgments and often times cruel understandings.
Recently this appears rampant on the planet and in particular in the United States. It is extremely obvious in the political arena. The political entities are supposed to be on the side of the general public. They are selected by the majority of the people to work for the people, for the good of the majority. They are thought or assumed to be able to critical think, solve problems and conflicts, but lately they are a source of division. They are name calling, telling untruths, and are vicious and non respectful to other human beings.
It has become the us and them mentality, much like at a sports event.
There is a void of common decency, a void of respect. They seem to be running a muck in our society today. Many people notice but few know what to do about it. Lord knows, I don't. What I do know is that they feed on fear. So being scared of them, bullied by them is the worse possible thing you can do because it inflates them and eggs them on.
The question is, what don't they feed on and what scares them? Now there is the question and the answer is fairly easy in coming. If you are secure within yourself, if you know who you are and like yourself, they are frightened and stay away from you. Why? Because they know that you know the truth about them and cannot be manipulated into thinking otherwise. That is how you treat frightened out of control children and that is exactly what they appear to be.